Thursday, August 28, 2008

Images from the DNC

The elephant pulled me away from the donkey. Their presence is known everywhere A mob trying to sneak a peak at Spike Lee Look at all the people Spaceship Penis ladies from Alabama There was another sign that read "Homosexuals are a threat to national security" I asked the guy holding the sign if gays have H-Bombs hidden up their asses? Needless to say he had no response. The pro-lifer next to the homo sign was the guy that told me to get a life! His new sign reads "masturbation, drinkers, smokers, hookers, etc...are all going to have to answer for their sins...." What does masturbation have to do with the election, he called me a baby killer! Pro-Lifer shit truck. Really, aren't there more important issues facing this country today besides abortion and planned parenthood? mobs of people More protesters FUN FUN FUN!! GO OBAMA. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!

1 comment:

The Nelsons said...

All of my posts don't work very well. The pictures move on their own and some of them have disappeared! WTF!