Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Protesters - Get a Life

I hate seeing pro-life protesters with their terrible signs. I just had a confrontation with a "male" protester on the street holding a sign of an aborted fetus. I kindly asked him where he got off thinking he had any right to tell a women when she can or can not have a child. I told him to go and raise a crack baby and then tell me how wonderful it is to watch a newborn with an addition. I also told him to get raped then find out your are pregnant with a rapist's child (how would you explain to your child that you were raped and the rapist is your father?). He told me to get a life. It was great, don't you think if you are protesting you should have a better come back then get a life. I just laughed and told him to keep up the good work and it might be a good idea to get educated on the facts so when people do not agree with him he will have a more educated response then get a life. I thought the reason for protesting was to educate people with the facts not tell them off when they say something you do not agree with... I know a social worker who worked with babies of addiction and it is the worst thing she has ever experienced. Don't get me wrong, if you use abortion as a form of birth control you should be damned, but if it is a circumstance that is beyond your control and you don't feel that a baby will improve the situation by all means get an abortion!! Wow the DNC is turning out to be a riot!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I am so glad you put that protester in his place. I hate them. I agree with you 100% on everything you just said!! You are my idol! :) I never know what to say in the moment until I am home and can't say it! It sucks. Love Ya!!